What to Consider Before Collaborating
When there's work to be done, it's tempting to jump in with both feet and get started right away. But when that work involves...

Leaders: 5 Keys to Building Alignment
Let’s talk about alignment. Specifically, let’s talk about the challenges inherent in building alignment among diverse stakeholders and...

The Collaborative Leader's Compass
In my most recent post, I introduced the Collaborative Operating System’s (COS) definition of collaboration in some detail. If you...

Job #1 for Collaborative Leaders & Managers
In the first post of this series, I listed the top five reasons companies fail at collaboration. Number one on the list is that coworkers...

It Takes COINs To Make Change
Leadership involves taking risks. It means developing and showing passion for a vision, and learning how to influence others to gain...

Get Off Your “Sorry, But...”
Okay, I’m sorry about the title, but... there’s something terribly wrong with any communication that begins with, “I’m sorry, but…”....